In Kyoto wird derzeit von der Gruppe “Kyoto Association for Tobacco Control” für die Initiative “Clean Air Kyoto” Unterschriften gesammelt, um Anwohner und Besucher vor Passivrauchen zu schützen. Keine Sorge, die Petition ist auch auf Englisch.
Kyoto Association for Tobacco Control
Die Petition:
To the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Mr Keiji Yamada
We ask you to introduce legislation to protect people from secondhand smoke in Kyoto, a world heritage city.We cordially request the Kyoto Prefectural Government pass legislation to protect people from exposure to secondhand smoke in Kyoto for the sake of the lives and health of the people who reside in and visit Kyoto.
Tobacco smoke contains many toxic substances and carcinogens, and scientific evidence has unequivocally established that exposure to tobacco smoke causes cancer and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In Kyoto it is estimated that about five hundred people are killed every year by exposure to secondhand smoke.
Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) urges ratifying nations, such as Japan, to implement laws providing for the protection of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces, public transport, indoor public places, and other public venues.
Many countries and districts have already established smoking bans to protect people from secondhand smoke in compliance with the FCTC. But in Japan many people are still suffering from harm due to secondhand smoke, because there is no effective legal restriction on smoking in public places.
We believe all people should be protected from the harm of secondhand smoke and all people who visit Kyoto have a right to clean air. We sincerely request the Kyoto Prefectural Government pass legislation in Kyoto to protect all residents and visitors of Kyoto, a world heritage city, from exposure to secondhand smoke.
Appealing Organization: Kyoto Association for Tobacco Control
Contact Address: Johoku Hospital 99 Iwagakakiuchi-cho, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Japan zip code 603-0853
Collected personal information will only be used to request the Kyoto Prefectural Government pass this legislation.